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AV Baseball Booster Club Meeting 11/14/23


Planned Agenda:

*Coach Hendrickson – Intro/Plans for 2024 Season

*2024 Baseball Booster Club Budget Review

*AVHS Varsity Field ADA Access-Next steps Discussion

*Booster Club Dues & 2024 Cash Raffle

-2024 Booster Club Dues $150

-Cash Raffle – 10 Tickets - $200 (Families pre-pay for tickets)

-Allows for 100% Fundraiser for full Booster Club Dues

-Additional tickets may be sold as a Spring Trip Fundraiser

-15/5 split between player account and Booster Club General Fund


*Sprint Trip Planning

-ALL families interested in attending a 2024 Spring Baseball Trip are asked to attend!

-Now that we have clarity around the coaching plan, we have several final decisions that need to be made in this meeting. 


Coach Hendrickson:

Captains practice will tentatively be held on Sunday evening (7-7:30 to 9-9:30)

*Gym D used for hitting and pitching

*Fielding, long toss, etc in the main gyms.

*Arm Care week will be the week before tryouts.

*Four-day tryout week before spring break.

*Players that do not go to Florida will practice with coaches back here at AVHS.

*Approximately 55 kids in the program, right now there will be 3 teams as of 11/14/23.

*Eighth graders will be invited to participate.



Dave Chamberlain presenting the budget:

*Big Ticket Items that were one-offs from year to year.

-Captains Practice Facility (Mash vs. AVHS)

-Pitching Machine


-Training (Pitching) decreased using AVHS Gym D and adding Trainer as Pitching Coach.

-Purchase of one set of Varsity Uniforms and cycle down through under Varsity teams.

*Possibly will get getting a 2nd set at a discounted price.

-Banners most are in good shape, hopefully we do not have to replace any for the 2024 season.


Jeremy Jackson presenting Field ADA compliance:

*Alternatives for the seating area at the Varsity Field

*Pahl’s Market and Jason Himmelwright $15k+

*R&R Landscaping (Eric Robb) $18k+

*District is waiting to hear back from us if we give the ok to build the path from DeLong Cages to the bleachers behind home plate.

-Cement path plus a retaining wall. 

-Jeremy will reach out to Christopher to get a timeline on a decision to move forward or against the path plan.

*Engage an independent group like Pacer to get more input on how to make the seating/viewing area up to ADA compliant.

-Gain knowledge, analysis, evaluation.


Brian Ames presenting Booster Fees/Raffle Tickets:

*Drawing will be at the Legion

*Booster Fees will be $150.00

*Checks made out to AVBBC



Jeremy Jackson presenting on Spring Trip:

*Baseball City still has space for our team

*Sirata Hotel has rooms still available

*Dolphin Hotel is an alternative for lodging

*Practices will be held at a nearby Community College. Games still at Baseball City.

*Flight Costs have almost doubled.

*Possible Coaches willing to travel with the team

*Possible Parent lead practices/games (lesser cost)


Visual Presentation:

Base – Dolphin + 3 Coaches 18 players + 2 coaches

Estimated $1415.35 per player w/o flight $2286.15 w/flight


Dolphin + Chaperones 18 players

Estimated $1408.35 per player w/o flight $2278.96 w/flight


Decision is made to lodge at the Dolphin.

Flights will be group through Sun Country.

Players that do not travel with the team, players need to be at Baseball City by a specific time on Monday 3/25/23

No game on Saturday 3/30/23


Watch for a Spring Trip Specific email later today with more detailed instructions.


Meeting ended at 7:11 pm.

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